Calling all New Communities in Galway County
Are you a part of a New Community living in County Galway? If so we’d love to hear from you.
The Galway County LCDC, Galway County PPN and Galway Rural Development Company have instructed Buheri Consult, a migrant founded and leading consulting firm, specialised in the area of diversity and inclusion, to consult with a wide range of representatives from New Communities in Galway County.
The research aims to get the new communities’ feedback in relation to their experience of services since the Galway County Integration & Diversity Strategy 2013-2017 was developed, with a view to updating and contributing to the next strategy according to current needs and developments in Galway County. The findings will feed into the consultation process for the preparation of a new Strategy and establishment of a Steering Group to implement it.
If you would like to take part, please contact [email protected]. or Tel: Alphonse Basogomba 0858500079 or Anne Loftus 0876456495
This research will be carried out by Anne Loftus and Alphonse Basogomba of Buheri Consult and will consist of focus groups, individual interviews, and online surveys. Anne and Alphonse will invite you to be part of this research once you opt in.